Volume 2905: Proceedings of the 29th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences

Volume 2905: Proceedings of the 29th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences

Proceedings of the 29th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences

By Nurul Sima Mohamad Shariff, Sharifah Fairuz Syed Mohamad, Mazlynda Md Yusuf, Karmila Hanim Kamil, Yumn Suhaylah Yusoff, Siti Raihana Hamzah, Asmah Mohd Jaapar, Ahmad Fadly Nurullah Rasedee, and Muhammad Zaim Razak

Number of Volumes: 248
Publication date: January 2024
ISBN: 9780735446977

Volume 2905 is the proceedings of Proceedings of the 29th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM29) (7–8 September 2022, Virtual Conference)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM) is an annual program of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society in collaboration with public universities in Malaysia. Its 29th Edition, SKSM29, was organized by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) through the Faculty of Science and Technology. The conference was one of the prominent platforms for scientists and mathematicians from various variants on the related fields in Malaysia to gather, exchange ideas, and establish networking for the common good, especially in upholding national knowledge of science and mathematics. The conference brought together local and foreign scholars of science and mathematics to present the latest research outcomes. These proceedings contain papers within the scope of actuarial sciences, applied and industrial mathematics, education mathematics, financial mathematics, operational research and optimization, pure mathematics, and statistics.

These proceedings will be of interest to: graduate students, PhD/postdocs, and mathematicians.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2905 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 248
Pages: 720
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing