Volume 2910: International Conference on SMART Automatics and Energy

Volume 2910: International Conference on SMART Automatics and Energy


By Denis B. Solovev

Number of Volumes: 253
Publication date: October 2023
ISBN: 9780735446878

Volume 2910 is the proceedings of International Conference on SMART Automatics and Energy (SMARTICAE) (7–8 October 2021, Vladivostok, Russia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: These proceedings are entitled SMART Automatics and Energy (SMART-ICAE). SMART-ICAE is devoted to the discussion of modern achievements and promising research in the sphere of intelligent technologies in solving real, applied problems in various fields of industry and energy policies of different countries. The proceedings have been published to support interdisciplinary discussion and publication of research results that generalize research in technical branches of knowledge in higher education institutions, research institutes, large industrial enterprises, research and production associations of the Russian Federation as well as authors from other countries, and the results of research carried out on the personal initiative of the authors. The main thematic sections of SMART-ICAE include control systems and technologies for various energy facilities, industrial mechatronic systems and robotics, electric power systems and renewable energy sources, power electronics, electrical machines and electric drives, microprocessor control systems and signal processing, modelling and computer technologies, theory and practice of dynamic measurements, and organizational and management solutions for energy and resource conservation.

These proceedings will be of interest to: a wide range of specialists in the field of designing innovative solutions and organizational measures that increase the efficiency of the use of energy technologies in their various manifestations. The issue is also of interest to scientific and engineering personnel engaged in the development, design, and calibration of automatic devices and control systems for technical electrified systems and facilities, as well as information and measuring instruments for obtaining, measuring, and researching currents in electrical complexes and systems. The proceedings are beneficial material for students and undergraduates studying electrical power engineering and electrical engineering, automated systems, control systems in energy technologies, and postgraduate students in the corresponding branches of study.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2910 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 253
Pages: 1,504
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing