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Titles in Print

Volume 1950: Latin-American School of Physics Marcos Moshinsky ELAF
Quantum Correlations
Volume 1957: 2018 6th International Conference on Nano and Materials Science
ICNMS 2018
Volume 1954: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS-2)
Volume 1951: 9th National Conference on Thermophysical Properties (NCTP-2017)
Volume 1948: Advanced Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medical Sciences (ANEMS) International Conference 2017
Volume 1945: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Engineering and Technology (ICOMMET 2017)
Advancing Innovation in Materials Science, Technology and Applications for Sustainable Future
Volume 1940: The 2017 UKM FST Postgraduate Colloquium
"Proceedings of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Science and Technology 2017 Postgraduate Colloquium "
Volume 1944: Advances in Energy Science and Environment Engineering II
Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Energy Science and Environment Engineering (AESEE 2018)
Volume 1939: XV All-Russian Seminar "Dynamics of Multiphase Media" (DMM2017)
Volume 1941: Engineering International Committee (EIC2017)
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Education, Concept, and Application of Green Technology
