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Titles in Print

Volume 2119: 5th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD-2018)
Volume 2115: 63rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium
Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018
Volume 2113: Proceedings of the 22nd International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming
Volume 2120: International Conference on Biology and Applied Science (ICOBAS)
Volume 2111: The 2018 UKM FST Postgraduate Colloquium
Proceedings of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Science and Technology 2018 Postgraduate Colloquium
Volume 2117: 7th National Conference on Hierarchically Structured Materials (NCHSM-2019)
Volume 2114: Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Industrial Application (ICETIA) 2018
Volume 2118: 38th Meeting of Departments of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Volume 2112: The 11th National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and Applications
Volume 2109: Women in Physics
6th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics
