Fundamentals of Recoupling and Decoupling Techniques in Solid State NMR

Fundamentals of Recoupling and Decoupling Techniques in Solid State NMR

By Bo Chen

Number of Volumes: 1
Publication date: November 2020
ISBN: 978-0-7354-2221-6
Highlights: Standard

Title information

Fundamentals of Recoupling and Decoupling Techniques in Solid State NMR provides broad coverage from the fundamentals through updated recoupling and decoupling techniques. It details step by step derivations and teaches readers how solid state NMR with Magic Angle Spinning exploits the interplay between mechanical rotation and radio frequency (RF) pulses to actively switch on (recoupling) and off (decoupling) desired interactions.

This unique book offers:

  • Coverage from the basic through advanced topics and incorporates step by step derivations and exercises

  • Conceptual, experimental, and mathematical aspects of modern solidstate NMR

  • Detailed instruction of tensor calculus and step-by-step derivation to help students learn magic angle spinning phase integration


This book is ideal for upper level undergraduate students majoring in physics or a related discipline and practicing physicists interested in learning more about this topic.

Number of Volumes: 1
Pages: 360
Publisher: AIP Publishing