Volume 2941: The 9th International Seminar on Aerospace Science and Technology ISAST 2022
Volume 2941: The 9th International Seminar on Aerospace Science and Technology ISAST 2022
By Harry Septanto, Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha, Yenni Vetrita, Cahya Edi Santosa, Peberlin Parulian Sitompul, Erma Yulihastin, and Johan Muhamad
Volume 2941 is the proceedings of Science, Technology and Industry Development on Aeronautics and Space (22–23 November 2022, Bogor, Indonesia )
Title information
Summary of this volume: The 9th International Seminar on Aerospace Science and Technology (ISAST) was a continuation of the International Seminar on Aerospace Science and Technology (ISAST) series, which has been held by Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) since 2013. After an integration to the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the seminar is managed by Research Organization of Aeronautics and Space (ORPA) and sponsored by BRIN. The participants of the seminar are Indonesian and international students, researchers, and engineers from various disciplines in aeronautics and space, from research institutions, universities, armed services, and industries. Previous ISAST seminars have presented the results of research and development in aerospace science and technology conducted in Indonesia and South-East Asia and invited international speakers from Japan, Germany, Spain, Netherland, France, China, Malaysia, and Korea.
These proceedings will be of interest to: international students, researchers and engineers from various disciplines in aeronautics and space technology, from research institutions, universities, armed services, and industries.
For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2941 table of contents.