Volume 2560: VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Solving Environmental Problems in the Construction Industry" ESCI 2022
Volume 2560: VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Solving Environmental Problems in the Construction Industry" ESCI 2022
By Pyotr Grigoryevich Grabovy and Le Van Thuong
Volume 2560 is the proceedings of VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Solving Environmental Problems in the Construction Industry" (16–18 March 2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Title information
Summary of this volume: The VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Solving Environmental Problems in the Construction Industry" has a long tradition of productive dialogue between scientists and practitioners from Russia and Vietnam on topical problems of organization of construction and real estate management. This proceedings presents the reports of the conference participants devoted to the problems of environmental and economic justification of effective solutions in construction and real estate, environmental safety of social and transport engineering infrastructure, and other fundamental and applied aspects of sustainable development of the construction industry.
These proceedings will be of interest to: faculty members of universities of construction profile, research groups solving current problems of development of scientific basis for the construction industry, researchers involved in the transition of construction technologies to digital standards, state and public organizations that implement the policy of development of industry construction processes, and graduate and undergraduate students of construction universities.
For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2560 table of contents.