Volume 3105: The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET)
Volume 3105: The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET)
By Abdul Mohsin Naji ALMohaisen, Nabeel Jameel Yaseen Alalawi, Sabah Khammass Hussein, and Abdul Hadi N Khalifa
Volume 3105 is the proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET) (5–6 October 2022, Baghdad, Iraq)
Title information
Summary of this volume: The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET) was successfully organized by the Engineering Technical College Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq. The conference discussed the technical engineering research of postgraduate students, including applied mechanical engineering, thermal engineering, energy and renewable energy, civil and architecture engineering, materials engineering, chemical engineering, and electrical and electronics.
These proceedings will be of interest to: researchers, graduate students, and PhD/postdocs.
For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 3105 table of contents.