Volume 3214: 2nd International Conference on Trends in Material Science and Manufacturing Engineering (ICTMSME2024)
Volume 3214: 2nd International Conference on Trends in Material Science and Manufacturing Engineering (ICTMSME2024)
By Nitin K. Mandavgade and Sonali Ridhorkar
Volume 3214 is the proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Trends in Material Science and Manufacturing Engineering (ICTMSME2024) (6–7 April 2024, Nagpur, India)
Title information
Summary of this volume: This book presents proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Material Science and Manufacturing Engineering (ICTMSME2024), which discussed the latest materials, manufacturing processes, and evaluations of materials properties for applications in automotive, aerospace, marine, locomotive, and energy sectors. The topics covered included material characterization, advanced metal forming, energy efficient systems, intermetallics, future generation materials, bending, welding and casting techniques, smart materials, composite and polymer manufacturing, laser-based manufacturing, high-energy beam processing, nanomaterials, aerodynamics, biological heat & mass transfer, thermal analysis of material, bio-fuels, combustion and propulsion, cryogenics, fire dynamics, solar power, refrigeration and air conditioning, sensors and transducers, turbulent flows, reactive flows, numerical heat transfer, phase change materials, micro- and nano-scale transport, multi-phase flows, nuclear and space applications, flexible manufacturing technology and systems, non-traditional machining processes, structural strength and robustness, vibration, noise analysis and control, tribology, machine learning, IOT, computer vision, industrial applications and theoretical and analytical methods, numerical simulations, experimental techniques in the area of engineering, and various properties and performance attributes of modern-age design in engineering. The book will be a valuable reference for researchers and professionals interested in sustainable development in mechanical engineering design and allied fields.
These proceedings will be of interest to: undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD research scholars, and industry people.
For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 3214 table of contents.