Volume 3038: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMSE)

Volume 3038: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMSE)

By Robbi Rahim and Nasib Marbun

Number of Volumes: 381
Publication date: February 2025
ISBN: 9780735451230

Volume 3038 is the proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMSE) (44891, Kendari, Indonesia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMSE) is an annual mathematics and scientific conference organized by Faculty of Teaching and Education, Halu Oleo University. ICMSE aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to discuss and present their latest findings corresponding to their field of expertise. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas face-to-face to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of engineering, science, and technology. The topic of the 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education 2022 was “Mathematics and Science Learning Innovation in the 21st Century.” The conference addressed insights from numerical solutions on the nuances of spatial visualization manipulations, phytochemistry and natural products chemistry, development of creative problem solving ability through innovative mathematics learning, big data, and mathematics education.

These proceedings will be of interest to: PhD/postdocs, graduates, experts, and researchers.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 3038 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 381
Pages: 218
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing