Volume 1937: Symposium on BioMathematics (SYMOMATH) 2017
Title information
Summary of this volume: The International Symposium on BioMathematics (Symomath) 2017 is the 5th biomath symposium since 2013. Symomath 2017 is jointly organized by the Center of Mathematical Modelling and Simulation (PPMS), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), and the Indonesian Biomathematical Society. Symomath 2017 is a multidisciplinary forum for promoting and fostering interactions among mathematical, biological, and related industrial communities in studying various phenomena in biology systems, ecology, infectious diseases, medicine, bioengineering, environmental sciences, bioinformatics, and biostatistics.
These proceedings will be of interest to: Undergraduate students, graduate students, Ph.D. students, lecturers whose concern is in biomath, and researchers.
For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 1937 table of contents.