Volume 2772: The 3rd Faculty of Industrial Technology International Congress 2021 International Conference

Volume 2772: The 3rd Faculty of Industrial Technology International Congress 2021 International Conference

The 3rd Faculty of Industrial Technology International Congress 2021 International Conference

By Istvan Farkas, István Seres, Mohammad Alexin Putra, Jono Suhartono, Fahmi Arif, Arie Desrianty, and Lauditta Irianti

Number of Volumes: 115
Publication date: March 2023
ISBN: 9780735443181

Volume 2772 is the proceedings of The 3rd Faculty of Industrial Technology International Congress (FoITIC) 2021 (28–30 October 2021, Bandung, Indonesia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The 3rd Faculty of Industrial Technology International Congress (FoITIC) 2021 continued a series of events that started in 2017. The main theme for the 3rd congress was “Enriching Engineering Science through Collaboration of Multidisciplinary Fields.” The aim of the congress was to invite academics, researchers, engineers, government officers, company delegates, and students from the field of industrial technology and other disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, industrial, chemical, informatics, etc. The congress was organized by Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung – Indonesia and supported by several universities, both in Asia and Europe.

These proceedings will be of interest to: researchers, lecturers, graduate students, and industrial practitioners.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2772 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 115
Pages: 400
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing