Physics and 21st Century Science Standards

Physics and 21st Century Science Standards

The Role of Physics in the NGSS

By American Association of Physics Teachers

Number of Volumes:
Highlights: Standard

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Title information

This book aims to help K–12 physics teachers understand how their classroom practice aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), first drafted in 2012.  It provides an overview and history of the NGSS, as well as guidelines to reading and interpreting performance expectations, which are embedded with the three dimensions of science learning. Teachers can find out how they can effectively align their practice should their state adopt the NGSS.

Key highlights:

• Identifies physics concepts across all kindergarten through high school grade bands
• Analyzes the high school physics standards that are included in and excluded from performance expectations
• Identifies weaknesses and omissions in the guidelines, with recommendations for improvement.

Physics and 21st Century Science Standards will help K–12 physics and science teachers better understand how their classroom practice is or could be aligned with the NGSS.


Pages: 28
Publisher: AIP Publishing