AIP: Journal of Applied Physics

AIP: Journal of Applied Physics

Special Topic: Defects in Semiconductors

By Guest Editors Yasufumi Fujiwara, Kohei Itoh, and Tetsuya Yamamoto

Number of Volumes: 2

Title information

The process of searching for new defects in semiconductors is akin to scanning the night sky for the discovery of new stars. Once what appears to be “new defects” are detected by spectroscopy and/or microcopy, one has to identify their electrical and magnetic structures to make sure that they are not rediscovering what had been actually found before. This process, which originated through experimental means, is now also pursed by many theorists who have advanced computational and mathematical modeling powers. Moreover, in-depth understanding of defect behaviors is now allowing engineers to add new functionalities to semiconductor devices. This Special Topic provides a valuable forum where researchers studying the fundamentals of defects in semiconductors have shared their most recent and novel findings.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: AIP: Journal of Applied Physics table of contents

Number of Volumes: 2
Pages: 1,006
Publisher: AIP Publishing