Volume 2375: Essence of Mathematics in Engineering Applications

Volume 2375: Essence of Mathematics in Engineering Applications

Essence of Mathematics in Engineering Applications

By B V Appa Rao and Sateesh Kumar Deevi

Number of Volumes: 1
Publication date: October 2021
ISBN: 9780735441279

Volume 2375 is the proceedings of National Conference on ESSENCE OF MATHEMATICS IN ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (EMEA-2020) (2–3 December 2020, Guntur, India)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The 5th National Conference on Essence of Mathematics In Engineering Applications (EMEA-2020) continued a series of events that began in 2015. The conference was an earnest attempt to exchange new ideas and techniques among young researchers in various fields of mathematical sciences. Mathematics plays a major role in engineering, physical, biological, economical, medical, computer science and real-world applications. It is ubiquitous in the world of software applications in routine engineering. These proceedings contain papers that describe mathematical applications in engineering, science and technology, computational fluid dynamics, stress analysis of machine elements, reliability engineering, mathematical modelling of engineering systems, algebra, fuzzy logic and applications, boundary value problems, numerical methods for engineers, number theory and networks, statistical methods in data warehousing and mining, applications of linear algebra, and operations research by the most prominent scientists and engineers active in the field.

These proceedings will be of interest to: Research fellows working in theoretical and applied mathematics.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2376 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 1
Pages: 484
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing