Volume 2509: Proceedings of the International Conference “Physical Mesomechanics. Materials with Multilevel Hierarchical Structure and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology”

Volume 2509: Proceedings of the International Conference “Physical Mesomechanics. Materials with Multilevel Hierarchical Structure and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology”

Proceedings of the International Conference “Physical Mesomechanics. Materials with Multilevel Hierarchical Structure and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology”

By Evgeny A. Kolubaev and Vasily M. Fomin

Number of Volumes: 37
Publication date: May 2022
ISBN: 9780735441903

Volume 2509 is the proceedings of Physical Mesomechanics. Materials with Multilevel Hierarchical Structure and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology (6‐10 September 2021, Tomsk, Russia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The International Conference “Physical Mesomechanics. Materials with Multilevel Hierarchical Structure and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology”-2021 was a follow-up to the conferences on physical mesomechanics, which has been held since 1996. Modern materials science is in search of fundamentally new approaches to the development of materials for advanced manufacturing technologies, space and deep space exploration, electronics, nuclear power engineering, oil and gas production, medicine, transport, etc. The development strategy of materials science is based on a multiscale and multidisciplinary approach that is gaining more and more relevance. Physical Mesomechanics is an important direction within this approach. It considers and generalizes how the multiscale structure determines material properties. Physical mesomechanics concept provides the basis for the methodology of mechanics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, geological sciences, etc. This conference is an international platform for discussing topical problems and results in advanced materials science and intelligent manufacturing technologies. Conference proceedings represent the most important research results reported at the conference.

These proceedings will be of interest to: Researchers and lecturers both from academia and industry who are involved in the study of material behavior under loading as well as materials design, treatment and processing. Proceedings are also in demand by students and Ph.D. students specializing in materials science and engineering, solid-state physics, experimental and computational mechanics, nanotechnology, additive technology.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2509 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 37
Pages: 928
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing