Volume 2525: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Nuclear Safety Seminar (ANSS) 2021

Volume 2525: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Nuclear Safety Seminar (ANSS) 2021

Proceedings of the 17th Annual Nuclear Safety Seminar (ANSS) 2021

By Khoirul Huda, Abdul Waris, Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro, Alexander Agung, Sumer Sahin, and Motoyasu Kinoshita

Number of Volumes: 1
Publication date: November 2022
ISBN: 9780735442726

Volume 2525 is the proceedings of The 17th Annual Nuclear Safety Seminar (ANSS) 2021 (44412, Jakarta, Indonesia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The 17th Annual Nuclear Safety Seminar (ANSS) 2021 was an annual event organized by BAPETEN (Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir / Nuclear Agency Regulatory Agency of Indonesia) to share knowledge and experience in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. As depicted by its theme, this year ANSS aimed to discuss, observe, and identify the issues that emerge during pandemic situations both in regulatory control and in nuclear energy utilization, from which action plans may be established to solve issues. Over the past few years, to encourage researchers, academicians, students, and professionals from different fields to join and contribute to the success of the event, BAPETEN has collaborated with universities. This year, it collaborated with Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology).

These proceedings will be of interest to: researchers, students, and professionals in related fields.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2525 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 1
Pages: 212
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing