Volume 2639: The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (ICoMathApp) 2021

Volume 2639: The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (ICoMathApp) 2021

The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (ICoMathApp) 2021

By Toto Nusantara, Purwanto, Mochammad Hafiizh, and Desi Rahmadani

Number of Volumes: 1
Publication date: November 2022
ISBN: 9780735442511

Volume 2639 is the proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (ICoMathApp) 2021 (26–27 October 2021, Malang, Indonesia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Applications (ICoMathApp) continued a series of events that started in 2020 with the theme “The Latest Trends and Opportunities on Mathematics' Research and its Applications." The aim of this conference was to provide a platform for researchers, experts, and practitioners from academia, governments, NGOs, research institutes, and industries to meet and share cutting-edge progress in mathematics and its applications. This conference is expected to give contributions to mathematic research specifically on topics including algebra, analysis, applied mathematics, combinatorics, computational sciences, geometry, and statistics.

These proceedings will be of interest to: undergraduate/graduate students, Ph.D Students, Postdoc researchers, experts, and practitioners from academia.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2639 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 1
Pages: 260
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing