Volume 2899: Physical Mesomechanics of Condensed Matter: Physical Principles of Multiscale Structure Formation and the Mechanisms of Nonlinear Behavior

Volume 2899: Physical Mesomechanics of Condensed Matter: Physical Principles of Multiscale Structure Formation and the Mechanisms of Nonlinear Behavior

Physical Mesomechanics of Condensed Matter: Physical Principles of Multiscale Structure Formation and the Mechanisms of Nonlinear Behavior

By Evgeny A. Kolubaev

Number of Volumes: 242
Publication date: September 2023
ISBN: 9780735446397

Volume 2899 is the proceedings of Physical mesomechanics of condensed matter: Physical principles of multiscale structure formation and the mechanisms of nonlinear behavior (MESO 2022) (5–8 September 2022, Tomsk, Russia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The International Conference Physical mesomechanics of condensed matter: Physical principles of multiscale structure formation and the mechanisms of nonlinear behavior (MESO 2022) was a follow-up to the conferences on physical mesomechanics, which have been held since 1996. Physical mesomechanics develops the scientific basis for the modern paradigm (multiscale, multiphysics, interdisciplinary), which has become now an inherent part of the methodology of mechanics, physics, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, geological sciences, etc. The global objective of the conference is to combine the efforts of scientists from solid-state physics, mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, and machine learning to search for the answers to the urgent questions of condensed matter physics and physical materials science. Specific topical areas included mechanisms of nonlinear material response on different scales, physics of plasticity and strength, computer modelling and design of condensed matter on different scales, physical principles for the development of promising materials, and advanced methods for their production.

These proceedings will be of interest to: researchers and lecturers both from academia and industry who are involved in the study of material behavior under loading as well as materials design, treatment, and processing.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 2899 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 242
Pages: 972
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing