Volume 3080: The 7th Biomedical Engineering’s Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices

Volume 3080: The 7th Biomedical Engineering’s Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices

The 7th Biomedical Engineering’s Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices

By Siti Fauziyah Rahman, Azizah Intan Pangesty, Kenny Lischer, and Nurul Intan

Number of Volumes: 423
Publication date: March 2024
ISBN: 9780735448827

Volume 3080 is the proceedings of 15th Asian Congress on Biotechnology in conjunction with the 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ACB-ISBE 2022) (2–6 October 2022, Bali, Indonesia)

Title information

Summary of this volume: The 15th Asian Congress on Biotechnology in conjunction with the 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ACB-ISBE 2022) was the continuation of an event that started in 2016, organized by the Research Center for Biomedical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (RCBE UI), which involved researchers from engineering and medical sciences. The proceedings contain 48 scientific works covering areas of biotechnology and biomedical engineering such as Agricultural and Food Biotechnology, Applied Microbiology, Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering, Bioenergy and Biorefinery, Bioindustry Promotion and Bioeducation, Biopharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology, Bioprocess and Bioseparation Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology, Marine Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Biosensors and Biochips, Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials, Drugs Delivery and Development, Medical Devices, and Clinical and Public Health.

These proceedings will be of interest to: doctors, engineers, biomedical engineers, public health experts, students, and lecturers of a biomedical engineering program.

For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 3080 table of contents.

Number of Volumes: 423
Pages: 372
Language: English
Publisher: AIP Publishing