By Robertus Dhimas Dhewangga Putra, Hifni Mukhtar Ariyadi, Indarto, Harwin Saptoadi, and Deendarlianto
Volume 3090 is the proceedings of The 15th Regional Conference on Energy Engineering (RCEneE 2022) and The 13th International Conference on Thermofluids 2022 (25–26 October 2022, Yogyakarta, Indonesia )
Title information
Summary of this volume: THERMOFLUID XIII sought to unite researchers, scientists, academics, policymakers, and professionals to exchange information and identify research needs in the areas of thermofluids engineering. In this annual conference, we strove to enhance the scope to a wider community of researchers allowing a higher quality and visibility of publications. The conference would also contribute to the continuous development of research and technology in thermofluids engineering for current and future energy and environmental sustainability.
These proceedings will be of interest to: graduate students, PhD/postdocs, researchers, and academics.
For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 3090 table of contents.