Volume 3116: Transforming Innovations Physics and Computer Electronics through digital practices in a post-pandemic world
Volume 3116: Transforming Innovations Physics and Computer Electronics through digital practices in a post-pandemic world
By Alamsyah Alamsyah, Bayram Costu, Beken Arymbekov, Dahlan Abdullah, Firmanul Catur Wibowo, Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamin, Setyo Prajoko, and Lari Andres Sanjaya
Volume 3116 is the proceedings of Electronic Physics Informatics International Conference (EPIIC) 2023 (45163, Tangerang, Indonesia)
Title information
Summary of this volume: EPIIC (Electronic Physics Informatics International Conference) 2023 was an international conference held in collaboration the Institut Teknologi Indonesia (Serpong, Indonesia), Jakarta State University Physics Education Research (JSUPER) Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Jakarta, Indonesia) and and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Johor, Malaysia). The EPIIC cohosts included Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Universitas Tadulako, and Universitas Tidar Magelang. The conference was a complement to other conferences to meet the need for a publication space for researchers, educators, students, practitioners, administrators, policy makers, scholars, and other groups in the fields of Physics, Applied Electronics and Devices, Applied Computer Science, and Applied STEM Education. EPIIC 2023 was held with the theme Transformation of Computer Physics and Electronics Innovations through Digital Practices in a Post-Pandemic World. The seminar provided an opportunity for delegates to discuss and share new application experiences face-to-face, to build business or research relationships, and to find global partners for future collaboration.
These proceedings will be of interest to: researchers, lecturers, teachers, and graduate students.
For further information about this volume: Please view the table of contents available on AIP Publishing's Scitation platform: Volume 3116 table of contents.